Friday, March 13, 2009

Rolling baby!

I'm a big kid now!

Well, it finally happened! Olivia decided, at 7 months old (yesterday, to be exact) to roll over tonight. Her cousin Zachary has been rolling from his back to belly since he was about 4 months old! WOW! I guess thats the difference between boys and girls. Her big sisters, Ella and Emily were very proud of her. We all sure do love our "little dolly"


  1. Way to go Olivia! She is a cute little dolly!

  2. what a smart girl! That is a really cute picture of her!

  3. She is looking so BIG for such a little dolly! Looks like BAY-ZACKRY taught her well!!! Now the fun begins!!!

  4. Such a smart baby! Can't wait to see her and her four sisters on Sunday.

  5. She is such a big girl, I miss Olivia! I love that picture of her holding a cute stuffed animal. She is just a pretty baby!

  6. Yeah! Congrats to my fun friend Baby Olivia! Love the song by the way...The Beatles eh? Way better than Mozart...
