Friday, March 13, 2009

Rolling baby!

I'm a big kid now!

Well, it finally happened! Olivia decided, at 7 months old (yesterday, to be exact) to roll over tonight. Her cousin Zachary has been rolling from his back to belly since he was about 4 months old! WOW! I guess thats the difference between boys and girls. Her big sisters, Ella and Emily were very proud of her. We all sure do love our "little dolly"

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Girls Sledding


The girls had a great time sledding together after school today. I was a little hesitant to send Alyssa out , but she did great! As you can see from the video she spent most of her time sledding without a sled. It was so fun to watch them laughing and screeching together. It was also sweet to watch the big girls help Alyssa up that "big" hill. It was a little tricky for her little legs. After about an hour of sledding I called them in for oatmeal, and hot chocolate! They should all sleep well tonight!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Alyssa's 3rd Birthday

"Puh-cake" Princess
Auntie Ally made her beautiful cake.
Alyssa's 3rd birthday was on March 3rd. We have been celebrating all week! We had a family party on the 25th, with Aunts, Grammies, Grampa, Gramma, Papa, cousins, friends and all of us. It was a wonderful time together! Happy Birthday Alyssa! We love you!