Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Girls Sledding


The girls had a great time sledding together after school today. I was a little hesitant to send Alyssa out , but she did great! As you can see from the video she spent most of her time sledding without a sled. It was so fun to watch them laughing and screeching together. It was also sweet to watch the big girls help Alyssa up that "big" hill. It was a little tricky for her little legs. After about an hour of sledding I called them in for oatmeal, and hot chocolate! They should all sleep well tonight!!


  1. You go girl. I love the video of the girls. They sure seem to be having a great time. Thanks for joining the club.

  2. Reminds me of the squeals and laughter of 4 little girls long ago (or was it yesterday?)on Lane Road!

  3. I LOVE those girls. I wish Shmauntie could have been there to play with them!

  4. LOL they are so cute. The fresh air always wear out the kids really well. They look like they had a blast. Keep up the great momming.

  5. I got linked to your blog from Your moms' your girls are so cute! I'm the opposite with my 5 boys!

  6. I can't handle Alyssa stopping and then slowly pulling her sledless body down the rest of the way. It's killing me.
